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Logos & logo assets

ITS Logos: Download the .zip file (15Mb)

Formal notice header graphic

ITS fonts

ITC Franklin Gothic Pro Demi Compressed

Open Sans

Libre Baskerville


PowerPoint templates

ITS PowerPoint templates with sample slides (.zip)

Zoom backgrounds

Zoom backgrounds (.zip)

Winter Zoom background (.png)

Document templates

Generic Microsoft Word Template (.docx)

Generic Microsoft Word Template (.pdf)

ITS Memo Template (docx)

ITS Memo Template (pdf)

ITS letterhead

ITS has adopted the University’s identity standards system to create materials that are consistent with one another in look and message. This style dictates the format for all stationery items, including letterhead and business cards.

All letterhead uses the main ITS phone and fax numbers. Please provide more specific contact information in the body of your letter or below your name. (For help with formatting using letterhead, download the ITS Letterhead Margins PDF.) To reorder stationery, follow these guidelines (PDF).

ITS Letterhead (CB 1150, ITS Franklin) Template (docx)

ITS Letterhead (CB 1150, ITS Franklin) Template (pdf)

Business cards

To order business cards, follow these guidelines (PDF). Please note: business cards should have the ITS logo and not the UNC-Chapel Hill logo. If you have cards with the UNC-Chapel Hill logo, please do not order new cards. Instead, confirm when you next reorder cards that your new card will have the ITS logo.

Photo resources

UNC image library

ITS Flickr

Free stock sites, review licensing information before using: